New York City 4/11/2011 10:37:23 PM
News / Law

Jenn Sterger Speaks Out About Favre Scandal

By: Daun Lee

Jenn Sterger has been absent from the public eye since her scandal last fall involving Brett Favre. Favre retired this year and was fined 50,000 for his indiscretions. Sterger accused Favre of sending her text messages of a sexual nature including nude photos. At the time Sterger was working as a reporter for the NY Jets when Favre began sending her the texts. Sterger claims she did not give him her phone number. An investigation conducted by the NFL could not prove that Favre sent Sterger the texts.

Sterger claimed she didn’t make a dime off the scandal and was just trying to do her job, but at the moment is no longer employed. Sexual harassment is still an issue for the working woman. Throughout the US many women and men are subject to unwanted sexual advances and innuendos at the workplace, and Jenn Sterger is no exception. In order to stop the harassment victims employ sexual harassment lawyers to help eliminate the degradation.

Though women have made advances in the workforce by obtaining better positions and higher pay they still face sexual harassment. Close to 31 percent of women, encounter harassment while on the job and that are just those who report it, many cases go unreported. Hiring a sexual harassment attorney can give the victim of harassment a voice to speak out about their struggles. The support of a sexual harassment attorney can give men and women the confidence to help end their harassment.