Hollywood 4/13/2011 12:45:49 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Lauren Conrad Speaks About Her Thighs

The 25 year old star of ‘The Hills’, spoke to reporter about her self-image at Teen Vogues 8th Annual Young Hollywood Party. Lauren stated that she always wants to cover her thighs when approached by paparazzi. She also finds it hard to look at pictures of her and doesn’t think she is as cute as she really is. Lauren also said she worries about her weight and it often brings her down. As a fashion designer, TV personality and writer she is no stranger to facing a negative self-image which troubles many women and men, but Lauren exudes confidence.

It the effort to improve their appearance many people follow strict exercise routines and eat sensibly and man turn to liposuction as well. Being in the public eye makes many celebrities have to work very hard to keep their physiques trim and fit. Any extra weight or flab will can lead to fat comments and scrutiny by the media and also affect their ability to get jobs in the body conscious Hollywood.

Everyday people strive to look their best just like celebrities. Looking good improves a person’s self-confidence. Even with lots of exercise areas of the body seem to hold onto extra fat that liposuction can eliminate. When a trim figure has been attained through genes or exercise, liposuction can be used to sculpt areas of the body that displease the individual giving them more confidence. Any improvement to a person’s body gives them a better self-image.