Neubrandenburg 4/13/2011 9:43:03 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Detecting Early Stage Mesothelioma is Easier With New Test

By: Daun Lee

German researchers have developed a new test to detect early stage mesothelioma. The results were published in Recent Results in Cancer Research and showed that analysis of fibers in the lung tissue can detect the asbestos-related cancer and determine how the disease will progress. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that causes tumors to grow in the linings of crucial organs like the lungs and heart.

Mesothelioma takes a few decades to manifest so it can be difficult to link the disease to direct or second-hand asbestos exposure. The German test can determine what type of asbestos fibers and how much is present in the lining of the lungs. This is a helpful test for people who are hoping to gain compensation for treatment by retaining a mesothelioma attorney as they can pinpoint the asbestos source.

The average age of the victim of mesothelioma is between 65 and 72 years of age. Treatments for the disease include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, all costly procedures. By testing the type of fibers, patients and their mesothelioma lawyers will be more effective in proving the source of their asbestos exposure. Asbestos was widely used throughout the 20th century but has since been banned. In spite of the awareness that asbestos was dangerous various companies continued its use.The toxic mineral is present in many buildings and ships built before the 80s. People in these industries can seek funds for their care by employing a mesothelioma attorney.