Los Angeles 4/14/2011 1:06:13 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver Tries to Revolutionize School Nutrition

By: Daun Lee

Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver took his show ‘Food Revolution’ to Los Angeles in the attempt to improve the diets of American students. LA has one of the largest school districts in the nation so Oliver believes that changes there would have countrywide impacts. He was repeatedly shunned and shut out of any debate. There is no doubt that some revolution needs to happen in order to reduce obesity in the states among adults and children. Only nutrition education and incorporating exercise to a daily routine can eliminate the obesity problem.

Some people are taking their own step to bring their weight down, but it wouldn’t hurt to teach children the laurels of a healthy diet.  Health concerns and the desire to look better drive many people to the gyms and to the nutritionist. Even with weight loss some people find that they aren’t as trim as they would like to be so they can then turn to liposuction.

Liposuction can’t be used to eliminate obesity but for people of a healthy weight it can reduce the areas of the body that retain fat that exercise can’t eliminate. The buttocks, thighs, and stomach are often areas that cause dissatisfaction. For those that have worked hard to improve their bodies but find the fat just won’t go away they can turn to liposuction to sculpt their figures. Not only will your body will feel better but so will your mind.