Washington 4/14/2011 2:55:18 AM
News / Law

Polls Shows Majority Oppose Funding for Planned Parenthood

By: Daun Lee

A poll published on Life News website show that 54 percent of Americans oppose funding for Planned Parenthood. The poll also showed that many of the people who oppose tax funds going to abortion providers are Pro-Choice. One wonders if those opposed to funding for Planned Parenthood are aware that abortions are only 3 percent of the services they provide.

In a story published in Washington Post showed that 35 percent of funding goes to contraception which prevents abortions and 35 percent to screening for sexually transmitted diseases. Another 16 percent goes to health screening for cancers and other reproductive health issues. Many of the women who go to Planned Parenthood are poor or without health insurance.

Women have long struggled for various rights and reproductive health and autonomy is just one of their struggles. Another is obtaining equal rights in the workplace and the elimination of sexual harassment on the job.

In the workplace harassment is still fairly common despite the efforts of women, the EEOC and sexual harassment attorneys. Women still face harassment while on the job and many don’t report the instances to either their bosses or sexual harassment lawyers. Denying the access to healthcare can send the message that a woman isn’t viewed as equal citizens and makes one wonder if that attitude is what perpetuates the harassment women encounter on the job. With a sexual harassment attorney women will find a person who advocates their rights.