Washington 4/14/2011 3:31:13 AM
News / Internet

Political Satirist Launches Tweet Campaign against John Kyl

By: Daun Lee

Stephan Colbert is a funny guy and hosts a widely popular show Comedy Central which satirizes the American political scene. On the “Colbert Report” he has lampooned Rep Arizona Senator John Kyl but has now launched a Twitter campaign in reaction to a Tweet posted by the Senator. Kyl mistakenly tweeted that “90 percent of Planned Parenthoods Services go to abortion”, which is untrue. Later Senator Kyl recanted his statement, by stating his tweet was “not intended to be a factual statement”. Colbert’s response was to post close to 50 tweets about Kyl and including the phrase after each ridiculous tweet “not intended to be a factual statement”.

The Twitter war started on Monday and seems to be still going strong. Social media such as Twitter are becoming valuable tools for celebs and businesses and maybe one day SEO optimization. Many celebrities such as Charlie Sheen and Kim Kardashian make a lot of money from Twitter endorsements, proving that tweets can make money. Used as a marketing tool by advertising firms and SEO optimization can effectively employ the popularity of Twitter.

 Social media site like Twitter and Facebook are becoming a goldmine for businesses, people often seek out the advice of their friends and a presence on these sites will improve internet traffic, especially if utilized by SEO optimization. Internet presence these days can make or break a business so getting visibility relies heavily on access all the popular search engines and social media.