Newark 4/14/2011 11:10:54 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Supreme Court Denies Exxon Appeal in Mesothelioma Suit

In 2008, New Jersey resident Bonnie Anderson filed a suit against ExxonMbil because she contracted mesothelioma. Both Bonnie worked at the Linden Bayway oil refinery owned by the company between 1975 and 1986, he husband worked there for 25 yrs. According to the NJ Star Ledger the New Jersey Supreme Court denied ExxonMobil’s appeal and Anderson won the $7million dollar lawsuit.

ExxonMobil contested exactly how Anderson contracted the asbestos–related cancer, and also believed the case should have been a worker’s compensation claim. Anderson cites she contracted mesothelioma by washing the clothes of her husband which was often covered in insulation dust composed of asbestos. The lawyers from ExxonMobil insisted that there was no way to prove how she was exposed to asbestos. Proving exposure to asbestos in a lawsuit can be difficult without the expertise of a mesothelioma lawyer. Second-hand exposure to asbestos can cause the aggressive cancer.

Mesothelioma is extremely aggressive and can affect the lining of the abdomen, lungs and heart. Bonnie Anderson’s husband doesn’t have mesothelioma but she has a long road to recovery. Those exposed to asbestos can contract mesothelioma and will need extensive and costly medical care. A mesothelioma attorney can fight for compensation from companies that used asbestos. In spite of being banned from use asbestos is still present and more people will contract mesothelioma because the disease takes decades to manifest. By hiring a mesothelioma lawyer victims of the cancer can obtain compensation for the suffering they endure, like Bonnie Anderson.