Reno 4/15/2011 12:46:23 AM
News / Law

FAA Official Resigns Over Sleeping Air Traffic Controllers

By: Daun Lee

In the past month four air traffic controllers have fallen asleep while on the job. Most of these shifts were later at night but have happened at crucial air traffic areas. The official of the FAA who is the supervisor of air traffic controllers, Hank Krakowski resigned today amid the newest controversy. A Reno Nevada air traffic controller fell asleep as an emergency services helicopter that had a sick passenger on board attempted to land and asked for guidance. Because of the prevalence of sleeping air traffic controllers many airports have been ordered to have two controllers on duty for the night shift.

Luckily no one was injured in any of the instances that involved the sleeping air traffic controllers but the risk was there especially for the person on the emergency services helicopter. A plane requesting guidance could be involved in an accident without assistance. Anyone who has been injured accidentally by another’s negligence would be eligible for compensation with the retention of an accident attorney.

We are led to believe the air is safer than the streets but the sleeping air traffic controllers makes one wonder if we are. An individual can be injured anywhere on the ground or in the air. For those hurt people hiring an accident lawyer can assure them they will be compensated for another person’s negligence. The medical cost and lost wages could financially devastate the accident victim but a accident attorney can prevent that from happening.