Jerusalem 4/15/2011 2:46:10 AM
News / Law

Passover Is a Time for Celebration

More than once in History, the Jewish people have been faced with an Exodus. The holiday of Passover which begins next week and lasts for eight days holds a special significance for the Jewish people worldwide and for American Jews; especially for the Americans who fled Germany during the Nazi Regime, and immigrated to the US as European countries weren’t safe. Passover marks the mass departure of enslaved Jews out of Ancient Egypt after the Ten Plagues and has a modern significance. Once out of Egypt the Jewish people flourished as free people. They once faced persecution in Europe but now have better lives. Jews in the Middle East however still face persecution.

Facing persecution is a terrible situation to be in and many will immigrate to safer places where violence isn’t a daily occurrence. These classes of people who immigrate to the US aided by immigration lawyers are called refugees. The US allows a myriad of people who are seeking asylum to apply for citizenship because they recognize that humans have the right to feel safe.

For many countries in the Middle East Jews and Christians live in politically and socially volatile situations. Asking for asylum in the US is easier with the advice of an immigration attorney. The rules and bureaucracy involved in naturalization can be difficult to comprehend, especially if English is a second language. Hiring an immigration lawyer can make the process easier for the refugee.