Boston 4/15/2011 3:05:54 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Boston Marathon Kicks off this Weekend

By: Daun Lee

The Boston Marathon is a major sporting event that happens on the third Monday of every April. The sporting event attracts runners and athletes from all over the world and boasts over 500,000 spectators. The event will be viewed on local TV and will be broadcast in several foreign countries. Pre-marathon festivities kick off this weekend and will generate a lot of income for the Boston area. The race was started in 1924 with only 18 entrants but now over 20,000 runners enter the race annually.

A large number of the runners are pro-athletes but many enter the race for fun. Pro-runners have trim and fit bodies anyone would be envious of. Most people don’t have the time to devout to running enough to get those muscular and lean physiques that most pros have even though they’d like to. For others who do run they may still find they aren’t eliminating unsightly fat like other runners but liposuction can be an option.

Exercise and good eating habits are important to obtaining and maintaining a lean figure. Even being at a sensible weight and routinely exercise can’t eliminate all fat for some unfortunate souls. If a person finds themselves unhappy with residual pockets of fat they can turn to liposuction to reduce the flab. Nature just doesn’t give everyone the fit physiques of runners and other pro-athletes. When nature has been unkind, those dissatisfied individuals can use liposuction to carve out the excess fat.