Washington 4/15/2011 3:28:30 AM
News / Business

Google’s Panda Affects Some Page Rankings Negatively despite Ethical Practices

The search engine giant Google continually changes it’s algorithm to improve searches. Google rolled out their new algorithm that they are calling Panda to the international markets on April 11th. One Consumer review site in the UK that saw their page rankings dropped despite staying on the right side of SEO optimization saw their rankings drop, while other sites that had low quality or duplicate content stayed on top. The algorithm was rolled out to US markets in February.

In the effort to keep quality sites in high rankings, Google changes their algorithms regularly but some companies can still fall through the cracks. A good example would be JC Penney who employed black hat SEO optimization tactics to have high page rankings despite the changes that Google made. Once Google discovered their practices they knocked down their page rankings.

The majority of internet marketing firms use valid techniques to increase the quality of searches by providing unique and un-duplicated content. Others who use empty links and duplicated content give the SEO optimization companies a bad image despite the value of their work.

SEO optimization is a valuable tool for small business and service providers, like lawyers in increasing their customer base. Many businesses that employ internet marketing strategies can increase their revenues in the way that television ads and phone book listings can’t. The world is becoming increasingly digital and consumers often turn to the internet and social media in their buying decisions.