New York City 4/15/2011 11:00:56 PM
News / Law

Post Office Flubs Statue of Liberty Stamp

By: Daun Lee

The US Postal service released a forever stamp that features the Statue of Liberty. The stamp actually depicts the Statue of Liberty at the New York, New York casino in Las Vegas and no the one on Ellis Island. It took a philatelist, a person who collects stamps, to discover the Postal Service mistake. The stamp collect also happens to be a huge fan of Lady Liberty. The USPS happens to like they photograph they chose so they’ll keep the image and change any accompanying literature.

For the millions of immigrants and Americans alike, the Statue of Liberty is deeply symbolic. Lady Liberty has long been the symbol of American freedom, and its permanent home Ellis Island once welcomed immigrants but is now a museum dedicated to their struggles. Immigration was less restrictive at the height of the Ellis Island’s processing station. Ellis Island also served as a detention and deportation station.

Social and economic freedom are the main reasons immigrants along assisted by immigration attorneys seek naturalization in the United Sates. The freedoms that many natural born citizens take for granted are highly prized by the immigrants who come here.

Immigration to any country is a complicated process which is easier with an immigration lawyer. The millions of people who apply each year must wait for application approval, establish residency and take a naturalization test. Understanding all the steps involved in become a citizen can be outlined for the migration person by employing an immigration attorney.