Washington 4/16/2011 2:53:44 AM
News / Law

Department of Labor Reports Initial Jobless Claims Rose

By: Daun Lee

The week ending on April 9th showed that initial jobless claims rose by 27,000 despite the decreases of the previous three weeks. The Department of Labor stated that jobless claims generally rise at the end of the first quarter but the increase was more than projected. They also stated that those who are receiving unemployment insurance are holding steady and in some states decreased. The statistics can be confusing but there are still a number of people in this country who are unemployed. The job market and economy are beginning to grow but people are still faced with financial difficulties.

Unemployed individuals face a lot of financial difficulties and if unemployed for an extended period find it hard to re-enter the job market. Employers are leery of hiring people who have previously been unemployed. States that have high unemployment rates also consequently have high foreclosure rates and many residents employ the assistance of foreclosure lawyers.

The foreclosure crisis is getting better especially since the major mortgage lenders are reforming their foreclosure practices. The nation isn’t out of trouble quite yet. There are still many people who face foreclosure and must employ foreclosure attorneys. The economic and foreclosure crisis will take years to mend. Until the unemployment rates drop even more people will be faced with losing their jobs and homes. Foreclosure lawyers will still be in demand until every person is employed or has more affordable healthcare.