Honolulu 4/18/2011 11:18:33 PM
News / Law

Student In Hawaii Hospitalized After Deranged Teacher Throws Hammer At His Head

A high school student at Kalua HS. in Hawaii was hospitalized with stitches after his deranged teacher threw a hammer at him, striking him on the head. The incident occurred in wood shop class in front of several students

When the teen's parent first heard their son had been hurt, they said it never occurred to them a teacher was involved. "I was told there had been an accident and a hammer had hit my son in the head. When I got the call from my wife - I'm thinking the kids had been clowning around in the classroom," father Tim Bitanga told KITV in Honolulu.

"I was definitely pissed off like most parents would be, to find out it was the teacher that had done it. You wouldn't expect that to happen in the high school setting," he said, "They put four staples in his head to stop the bleeding."

School officials say the teacher has been placed on administrative leave for psychiatric evaluation while an investigation is conducted.

Bitanga said the family has filed a police report.

"My son is a senior. I could be going to a funeral instead of a graduation this year. I just thank God he wasn't seriously injured," he said.

Sources close to the investigation said the teacher will most likely be charged with assault.

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