Richmond 4/18/2011 11:59:44 PM
News / Education

Texas Teen Fathers Two Kids With High School Teacher

A young Texas man, has come forward to say he fathered two children with his high school teacher. Bradman Moore said he began having regular sex with his Houston high school's 30 year-old dance instructor -- Anne Lynn Montgomery -- when he was a 15-year-old freshman.

This week, a county judge said Moore, now 20, must be allowed visitation the two girls he had with Montgomery. Moore said a year after his relationship started, the couple had their first daughter.

He says he switched high schools and moved in with Montgomery to help raise his girls. Until, he said, he found out he wasn't the only one she was sleeping with.

"There was a total of six students, including myself, that she had improper relationships with," Moore said.

Montgomery denied that and said he was violent and asked the judge for -- and was granted -- a restraining order.

"There was no possible way that she could continue to live the way she was living," said Matt Mahoney, Montgomery's attorney. "There was a tape that was played; there are threats that have been made."

Moore said that's not true.

Montgomery has since lost her teaching credential, and the Houston P.D. have opened a statutory rape investigation.