Longview 4/19/2011 12:36:58 AM
News / Law

Amtrak Re-routed Texas Passengers after Derailment

By: Daun Lee

Amtrak passengers in Longview, Texas were delayed by five hours. Just fifty miles from Dallas the Amtrak service from Fort Worth had stop and backtrack because a freight train had derailed in Corsicana. The train had to go back miles and chose a different route. Some passengers on the train were happy with the way the Amtrak personnel treated them during their long delay. Amtrak hired busses to transport passengers who missed their stops because of the detour.

Fortunately, there were no people injured on the train that derailed or on any Amtrak passenger trains but the situation could have been different. In the past, passengers of trains have been injured by a derailment and some lives have been lost. The best course of action for accident victims is to employ an accident attorney to help them obtain compensatory damages for their injuries.

Accidental injuries are possible on the streets, in the skies and on the rails. In some cases a person can be permanently or temporarily disabled from the injuries they incur due to another’s carelessness. Fatalities also occur with regularity in accidents, leaving family members in a financial bind. For the injured retaining an accident lawyer can offer some assurance that they will recoup their financial losses. Healthcare is costly and people who accumulate medical bills should be awarded some compensation for the pain they endure and can do so by finding an experienced accident attorney to represent them in court.