Washington 4/19/2011 2:58:42 AM
News / Law

Bill to Extend Immigration Rights to Same-sex Partners Introduced by House Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives have introduced a Bill that would give partners involved in international gay and lesbian relationships the same rights as those involved in traditional relationships. The current immigration laws allow American citizens to sponsor their spouses for a green card and eventual citizenship which is made easier with an immigration attorney. These rights aren’t extended to partners of same-sex relationships. Sponsors of the bill believe that it violates the human rights of gays, lesbians and transgendered individuals to deny them the same rights as people involved in traditional relationships. The bill is opposed by mostly religious groups who believe the bill erodes the foundation of marriage.

This type of legislation has been brought before Congress almost every year since 2000 but has been vetoed every time. Applying for citizenship is easier for immigrants that have American citizens as spouses. The immigration laws make naturalization easier for these individuals.

The immigration laws can be complex, by employing an immigration lawyer, the process can be better understood by the person seeking naturalization. Understanding and fulfilling all the necessary criteria for US citizenship can be problematic especially for the person who speaks English as a second language. Despite the liberal laws the US has in regards to immigration the application and screening process can be difficult. The expertise of an immigration attorney can make things a little easier for the hopeful immigrant.