New York City 4/19/2011 3:01:46 AM
News / Law

Former BET Employee Sues For Sexual Harassment

By: Daun Lee

Tameika Dorman has filed a sexual harassment suit with the New York Supreme Court alleging sexual harassment by a cameraman for the BET network. Dorman claims that Derek Clarke repeatedly showed her footage of her buttocks while he rubbed his crotch and mentioned how much he like that part of her body. Dorman went to a supervisor who assured her she would no longer have to work with the cameraman. The network however put the two on a story together later on that year. Dorman was fired by BET and the suit alleges they fired her because of her pregnancy and the sexual harassment claim.

Despite the efforts of many sexual harassment attorneys, harassment continues to be a problem in the workplace, even when there are prohibiting policies in place. Close to 31 percent of women report being sexually harassed at work, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Many incidents of sexual harassment go unreported, perhaps because the complainant fears reprisals or termination if they speak out.

Anyone subjected to harassment while on the job shouldn’t have to fear that they will be fired for speaking up about he abuse. Being subjected to comments about body parts or request for sexual favors creates a hostile work environment which can be alleviated by a sexual harassment attorney. Employing a sexual harassment lawyer will assure the victims that their rights are being protected and they are awarded fiscal damages for the harassment they endured.