London 4/19/2011 11:11:09 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Dukan Diet in the Latest Diet Trend

By: Daun Lee

With spring upon us, and summer beach season approaching many people are looking for a quick way to lose weight. The Dukan Diet is the new craze and claims that individuals that follow the diet can lose up to 17 pounds in the first two weeks. Nutritionists, however, warn that the diet isn’t nutritionally balanced. The diet allows a person to eat proteins and low fat meat along with some vegetables and low-sugar fruits like berries and apples. The Dukan diet eliminates high carbohydrate foods like pasta and breads.

Kate Middleton is supposedly following the diet before her wedding. After the winter lots of people feel the urge to shed those winter pounds. Nutritionists often suggest people lower their caloric intake and follow a diet with balance nutrition combined with regular exercise but most want faster results. A body can be trimmed through diet and exercise, but that might not give everyone the desired results for those who want a more sculpted figure they can have liposuction for a little extra sculpting.

Vanity drives men and women to follow strict diets so they look good in their clothes or in a bathing suit. Despite the time devoted to exercise and careful attention paid to diet people find that the body can retain undesirable fat. Eliminating the fat of discontent is possible with liposuction. Though liposuction isn’t a substitute for sensible eating and physical activity it can help with those problem areas like the stomach and buttocks.