Santa Cruz 4/19/2011 11:21:21 PM
News / Law

420 Approaches but Smokers Beware it’s Still Illegal

By: Daun Lee

Anyone who is a fan of cannabis, pot, marijuana, wacky weed or whatever you want to call it knows that 420 is code for “I like Pot” or “Isn’t it time to smoke pot?” All over the world pot fans converge to make a smoke in public and let it be known they believe the substance should be legal. That day may come but even for now it is still considered a narcotic. Marijuana fans will gather in London’s Victoria Park, at UCSC in Santa Cruz and more other places as open rebellion.

Even if the day comes when marijuana is legal, driving under the influence of the substance will still be illegal. Stoned drivers don’t cause as many accident as drunken drivers, but anything that impairs the mind can cause an accident, and result in a DUI from which the only way to reduce the impact is by hiring a DUI attorney. Marijuana can slow the time it takes a person to respond in a hazardous traffic situation and causes an overall spacey mind not suitable for driving.  

Diving under the influence of any substance whether it is alcohol or marijuana is forbidden and if caught the repercussions are severe but a DUI lawyer may provide an adequate defense. The laws call for stringent consequences which include loss of license or incarceration.  Hiring a DUI attorney may be the only way to minimize the penalties that one faces with a DUI charge.