London 4/20/2011 12:55:43 AM
News / Internet

Indie Music Stars Fleet Foxes Encourage Illegal Downloads of their Music

By: Daun Lee

Speaking to a UK newspaper The Sunday Times, Robin Pecknold front man for Fleet Foxes said that music file sharing was the way he learned about new music. For those of you who don’t know the Fleet Foxes are the darlings of the indie music scene and continuously play to sold out crowds across the country. The internet has revolutionized the way we obtain and listen to music. Pecknold cites the success of their band has come as a result of file sharing by their fans which have catapulted them to success by allowing them to reach their audience. By sharing musical tastes with friends you can introduce them to music they never heard and most often they will buy the album.

Bands are a business, even though they don’t have a storefront they still rely on sales and concerts to make their money. The internet along with SEO optimization has helped many a business, service and even bands by reaching consumers or listeners that would not normally come across their offerings.

Many businesses that have a presence on the internet can increase their revenue by employing SEO optimization. Service providers, retailers and restaurants can benefit from the prevalent use of the internet and social media. With SEO optimization these businesses can reach a wider audience with higher page rankings and the suggestions of their friends.  Not only do people share their music files bu they share the places and businesses they like.