Addiction treatment and recovery go hand in hand. An individual will need to go through one in order to go through another successfully. At our addiction recovery center, we offer both inpatient and outpatient programs. There are some differences between these two. Outpatient is not residential but the inpatient is and thus, considered long term addiction treatment.
There is a difference in the residential programs that will make a difference in the treatment aspect. The short term programs are referred to as a short stay. The long term is usually considered when months of care are necessary. Both of these offer individuals a home like setting while they stay. At our long term addiction treatment program, we ensure warm home like atmosphere and 24/7 medical and nursing support that caters to any medical or detox program requirements.
In order to determine which long term addiction treatment program will be right for an individual, it will depend on the severity of the addiction. A short term program may suit those with mild addictions. Our professional staff knows how to create a program that will work for each individual. When the individual comes in with an addiction, we go to work creating a plan for them and decide whether a short term or long term treatment will be best.
When an addiction is long term addiction, a long term treatment plan is going to be established. The long term program can last three to four months generally. It will depend on the needs of the individual who has an addiction and how long they have had the addiction. The severity of addiction occurs the longer the individual has it. In a residential setting, an individual can better recover completely before they go back home and back into their lifestyle.
At Delray Recovery Center a long term addiction treatment program offered is very home like setting and it offers countless recovery tools in order to make home and recovery a success. We offer apartment like settings that also includes amenities to help make the feel more comfortable. We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality program that we customize in order to target the individual needs. This is a critical time for the individual and we recognize it. The faster you consider treatment, higher are the chances of being drug-free for life.
Our main goal is to take care of our client’s needs and we do that by offering a long term addiction treatment program. If you are ready to start treatment, contact us regarding our long term addiction treatment programs.