Burbank, CA 4/21/2011 12:28:48 AM
News / Business

Data Performance Software Eliminates Dangerous Threats to Computer Network System, Creating Additional Opportunities for Business Growth

The 18th century poet Thomas Gray once said “ignorance is bliss,” unfortunately in the business world ignorance isn’t one of the steps to success, it’s a giant leap toward failure. Of course Gray didn’t have computer network systems on his mind when he was writing his poems, if they had been around in his day he may have included a footnote at the bottom of his work.


Unfortunately there are companies that still practice Gray’s philosophy when it comes to their computer network system and it’s no wonder that their business suffers. A computer network system is not a flip the switch operation that can just be ignored; it’s a critical component of any business that demands attention and care. Failure to meet those demands will ultimately result in disaster, a disaster that can’t be swept under the rug.


Computer network systems are like anything else, the better they are treated the better they perform. Conversely, the more they are ignored the worse they perform until eventually they simply stop operating all together. If a company truly understands the value of their computer network system they will never put themselves in a position where they are dealing with a network crash caused by ignorance or indifference.


The value of a computer network system is almost always taken for granted because it just blends in with the daily operations of a business. Everything from an employee’s ability to access and share files, software and hardware as well as communicate with customers and clients via email and other employees through internal platforms to quickly browsing the Internet, storing data, and securing information are functions facilitated by the computer network system.


Individually those functions are critical to a business and if one of them is slowed it can cause serious problems for a company. If all of those functions are slowed then the problems multiply and will likely be more than any business can handle.


Recognizing that the computer network system is responsible for these facilitating these actions is just the first step to overcoming ignorance. The next step, and probably the most important step a company can take, is protecting that computer network system with data performance software. The significance of this step can’t be overstated; while a company relies upon their network system’s functionality that network system relies upon the proactive approach of a company to guard its health.


Failure to protect the health of a computer network system invites a number of problems that slow the performance capabilities of that network system. Perhaps the most damaging problem is known as fragmentation, a condition in which pieces of individual files and free space on a disk are not contiguous but rather broken up and scattered around the disk. Because these files are fragmented and spread across a disk it makes them more difficult to be accessed, leading to delays, file hangs, computer freezes, and eventually a network crash.


This is exactly what data performance software is capable of preventing and if there was ever a problem a company wanted to avoid it would be a problem with their computer network system. As devastating as a network crash is, it’s the slowdowns and lost files that lead up to the crash that can be just as damaging to a business. These delays and slowdowns can cost a company significant money in lost customers and clients, something that no business can afford in this climate.


So knowing that data performance software is capable of solving the problem of fragmentation should make it a priority for every company. Before a company does install data performance software they should know that not all software is created the same and Diskeeper 2011, designed by Diskeeper Corporation, is the most comprehensive product on the market.


Not only will installing Diskeeper 2011 repair the damage that has been caused by fragmentation, piecing together the broken files and saving them as a single unit- making them more accessible and easier to retrieve, the data performance software will also prevent fragmentation from returning- monitoring the network to ensure that any changes to files are handled properly.


What really separates Diskeeper 2011 from the rest of the data performance software on the market is the fact that it’s actually able to prevent fragmentation from ever occurring. By installing Diskeeper 2011 as early as possible the data performance software will keep a computer network system operating at its peak level at all times, eliminating any threat of fragmentation. This means that a company is constantly working with an efficient and productive computer network system which in turn makes their employees more efficient and productive, all for the betterment of business.