Gulf of Mexico 4/21/2011 3:05:07 AM
News / Law

Today Marks the Anniversary of the Tragic BP Oil Spill

By: Daun Lee

Last year when millions of gallons of oil began spilling into the Gulf of Mexico the nation was abhorred by the tragedy. There were 126 workers on BP’s Deepwater Horizon platform when it exploded and began the largest oil spill in American history. Out of those 126 workers eleven lost their lives but their bodies have never been recovered. The terrible accident has affected the lives of the people in the region, the animals that lived in the gulf and the families of those who died because of the explosion.

In the past year, the concerns for the wildlife and the people who made their living off of the Gulf have been the primary focus but little has been mentioned of the impact it had on the families of the workers who needlessly died or were injured. Many feel as though the regulations placed on BP and Transocean, the owners of the rig, weren’t strict enough and consequently led to the accident. The people who did survive the accident haven’t been compensated appropriately by Transocean according to their lawyer in a CBS news interview.

For people who have been injured because of the negligence another, the employ of an accident attorney can be crucial to recoup the costs associated with their injuries. The families of decedents also have financial and emotional struggles to face which can be reduced by an experienced accident lawyer to assert their rights. Money won with the assistance of an accident attorney can’t replace a loved one or repair the disabilities people may suffer but it can offer some comfort.