Washington 4/25/2011 9:19:06 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Earth Day reminds us to take Care of Our Home

By: Daun Lee

Earth Day was started to recognize the importance of this planet which gives us life and to remind ourselves that we need to care of it. This year marks 39th anniversary of Earth Day. Our technology and innovations have benefited us a great deal but have also led to pollution and the use of environmental toxins like asbestos. In this same era the Environmental Protection Agency was set up to address the public’s demand for a clean and sustainable environment.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration also grew out of the demand for a healthier workplace. At this time some materials people worked with were proven to be harmful to humans upon exposure. Even though asbestos isn’t completely banned in the US, and other developed countries it is heavily regulated by OSHA and the EPA. It is still being mined and exported to countries with less restrictive asbestos policies and more and more people will need mesothelioma attorneys when they become ill. In the 80’s, it was discovered that asbestos causes mesothelioma, an aggressive and potentially fatal lung cancer.

People who contract mesothelioma need financial assistance for their treatments and with a mesothelioma lawyer that is possible. Thousands of people across the globe will fall victim to asbestos exposure and their numbers will continue to grow. Mesothelioma lawyers can offer a person hope by fighting to make sure the companies that use asbestos compensate them should they become ill from asbestos contact.