Bronx 4/27/2011 1:19:23 AM
News / Law

New York Criminal Lawyer Available to Represent Individuals Charged with Misdemeanors, Petty Offenses

Ever since Mayor Rudolph Giuliani declared war on petty offenses, New York City Police Officers have had the green light to make tens of thousands of arrest each year for minor crimes (misdemeanors) and violations (non criminal offenses). Caught in the web of these arrests are many good people who do not deserve and cannot afford a criminal record or other damage to their reputation.

Peter J. Schaffer, a New York City criminal lawyer with 25 years experience, fights for those individuals and businesses charged with misdemeanors, violations and traffic offenses.  He understands that a criminal conviction can mean loss of employment, loss of licenses, embarrassment and irreparable harm to one's good name.   Therefore, he has dedicated his practice to zealously defending those charged with minor offenses with the same vigor he uses to defend others charged with serious state and federal felonies.

If you have been arrested or given a summons in New York City, Long Island or Westchester County, New York, you deserve professional, hands-on, affordable criminal representation.  New York criminal attorney Peter J. Schaffer is available 365 days a year to help you.  Call him at (718) 585-4444 to schedule a free consultation.

Peter J. Schaffer is a proud member in good standing of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the preeminent organization in the United States advancing the mission of the nation's criminal defense lawyers to ensure justice and due process for persons accused of crime or other misconduct.

Attorney Peter J. Schaffer is a member of the national attorney network on

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