Indianapolis 4/27/2011 1:28:16 AM
News / Law

Charlie Sheen’s goddess Bree Olson pleads guilty to DUI

By: Daun Lee

Bree Olson pleads guilty to a DUI charge she received in February while in Indiana. The porn actress wrecked her Lexus. Police in the scene noticed the odor of alcohol, and the breathalyzer revealed her blood alcohol content was .19, twice the legal limit. She did not receive any injuries from her accident, but was charged with misdemeanor driving while intoxicated.

In an agreement with the presiding judge, Bree faces one year of unsupervised probation if she completes community service and stays out of trouble, according to TMZ.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that nearly one-third of traffic collisions that involve fatalities are caused by impaired drivers. This alarming statistic has caused increased police visibility and a no tolerance policy regarding impaired driving.

In spite of the tough DUI policies, many people continue to drive while intoxicated. Close to 20 percent of people 16 and over admit they have driven after having a couple of drinks. This may not seem like a lot but any amount of alcohol in a person’s system slows their ability to react in a dangerous situation.

Many states often require people who are charged with driving under the influence, to surrender their driver’s license and sometimes face jail time. The no tolerance policy towards drunk or drugged driving makes a DUI attorney a necessary ally in court. The representation of an experienced DUI lawyer can work to reducing impaired driving charges and penalties.

(Sources: TMZ, NHTSA official website.)