Ōkuma 4/27/2011 11:09:38 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Japan’s tsunami released asbestos, posing another health risk

By: Daun Lee

After the tsunami ravaged homes and buildings on March 11, the debris of the destroyed buildings has released asbestos fibers into the environment. The concern over the failing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has overshadowed the other dangerous environmental factors posing health risks to the population, rescue workers and the cleanup crews.

Activists in the northeastern area of Japan have detected asbestos fibers in the air; the levels remain within Japan’s safety range for the present, but any exposure has the potential to pose long-term risk to a person’s health. The cleanup process has been releasing fibers into the air, and some workers take necessary precautions by wearing face masks, but others work unprotected.

Asbestos has been used throughout the world as a fire retardant, and is present in insulation for homes and plumbing, as well as ceiling tiles. Disturbing the asbestos fibers releases the mineral into the air, and once it is breathed in can have detrimental effects to the lungs.

Asbestos has been linked to lung cancer, and is the known cause of mesothelioma, an aggressive cancer that infects the delicate lining of the lungs. People who contract mesothelioma will have to face different costly treatments to keep the disease at bay.

Many sufferers of asbestos-related cancer may find it necessary to employ mesothelioma attorneys to obtain funds to pay for their medical costs. Thousands of people contract the mesothelioma and their numbers have been predicted to rise because mesothelioma takes decades to manifest. Hiring a mesothelioma lawyer can give victims of asbestos exposure the assurance that they will be compensated for their suffering.

(Sources: Buffalo News)