New York City 4/28/2011 12:59:59 AM
News / Law

Will Donald Trump release tax forms, now that ‘birther’ debate has ended?

By: Daun Lee

Donald Trump, who may run for President but has not made any formal announcement, has led the ‘birther’ debate for a few weeks now. He has appeared on a myriad of talk shows to press his controversial view that Obama isn’t a legitimate American citizen. He is now taking credit for the disclosure, now the question remains will Trump release his tax forms.

In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, on Good Morning America, which took place on April 19th, Trump stated that he would release his tax forms when Obama released his birth certificate. With the birth certificate now in the hands of the media, there are many who want to hold Trump to his word, and would like to see his 2010 tax forms.

At this time, even though Trump is taking credit for the birth certificate release, he has not yet stated when he will release his tax forms.

George Stephanopoulos’ interview with Trump occurred the day after American’s had to pay their income tax bills. Paying the income tax can be difficult for some, because they don’t have the funds or they are opposed to the concept, either way they may require a tax lawyer in the future. No matter what reason a person or business has for being late with their income tax, the IRS will impose heavy fines and penalties. Relief from the interest and penalties may require the assistance of a tax attorney.