London 4/29/2011 9:23:25 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Pathologist links asbestos to housewife’s death

By: Daun Lee

In England, Pamela Whitemore was diagnosed with mesothelioma in November of last year. The 80 year old woman died just five days later, which is  unusual, most mesothelioma patients live up to 18 months after diagnosis.

Mesothelioma is a form of lung cancer which can be attributed to exposure to asbestos and causes tumors to grow on the linings of the lungs or heart. In Whitemore’s case she had second-hand exposure to the carcinogenic material. The housewife got her exposure through washing the clothes of her husband, who was a truck driver that loaded asbestos and other building materials. In an inquiry into her death, Whitemore’s daughter said her mother was always shaking dirt and dust from her father’s clothes. Mesothelioma is contracted from breathing in asbestos fibers.

A pathologist, also involved in the inquiry, stated that Whitemore had an “extensive” tumor, and there was evidence that linked the cancer to her exposure to asbestos. The cases of mesothelioma involving second-hand contact with asbestos is on the rise and victims of this terrible disease can enlist the aid of a mesothelioma attorney to seek compensation.

Asbestos is regulated but still in used prevalently despite the detrimental effects it can have on human health. The treatments for mesothelioma can be expensive and those affected will need funds, obtainable with a mesothelioma lawyer, to make sure they are cared for. A mesothelioma attorney cannot replace a loved one but their expertise can be applied to recoup financial losses victims of mesothelioma encounter during their illness.