Marrakesh 4/29/2011 9:31:53 PM
News / Internet

Bombing in Morocco shared through social media

By: Daun Lee

A bombing in a Moroccan café killed 14 people and wounded approximately 20 people. The area in Marrakesh is a popular tourist destination and 11 of the people who died are foreigners. A suicide bomber is suspected in the bombing but so far no one has claimed responsibility.

The blast comes four days after a protest march was launched through the social media site Facebook. The march was organized by the youth movement Fevrier 20 which has page on Facebook.

After the blast people in the area began reporting the incident through various social media outlets like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. The increasing number of people using these social media sites to incite revolution in their countries goes to show the impact social media has on the world. The Egyptian people used Facebook to affect change in their politics so other nations have recognized the impact it can have.

Not only does social media impact the political climate of the world, but it also has an enormous influence on marketing and SEO optimization.

The potential to reach more people on a global scale has increased through social networking. The business world has been able to reach a wider market through Facebook and Twitter and through SEO optimization. The internet and social media will most likely continue to change the way people can affect change. Facebook and Twitter will also be extremely important for businesses to reach their market through SEO optimization.