Shreveport 4/30/2011 1:50:36 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Louisiana workers have second highest rate of workplace fatalities

By: Daun Lee

Laborers in Louisiana are more likely to die from work related accidents than in other states. Louisiana workers, however, are less like to suffer from minor injuries or contract an illness from their workplace.

The AFL-CIO released a study entitled ‘Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect.’ According to the study, Louisiana tied with North Dakota in the number of work-related fatalities. The report stated that in 2009, 168 employees died while at work. The workers died from different types of accidents some of which were caused by transportation, equipment related and fires.

The number of people who sustained minor injuries decreased over the period covered by the report.

Because OSHA was scaled back during the junior Bush administration, it would take them close to 214 years to inspect all workplaces in Louisiana for safety, according to Michael Page director of safety and loss prevention for the Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Corporation.

Accidental injury or death can be a fiscally devastating problem for the victim or their remaining loved ones. An accident attorney can get necessary compensation for these victims to alleviate some of their suffering. The expertise and skills of an accident lawyer will be able to prove negligence which is critical to accidental injury claims.

With the cost of medical care continuing to rise, the injured worker may find it hard to pay their medical bills, especially if they lose time from work. By employing an accident lawyer, the injured will have someone to negotiate a just settlement for their injury claim.