Sydney 5/2/2011 10:15:21 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Study shows chemotherapy and surgery can prolong life for mesothelioma patients

By: Daun Lee

An Australian study, which reviewed a registry by multiple institutions, showed that the combined treatments of surgery and chemotherapy can help mesothelioma sufferers live longer.

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that can cause tumor growth on the lining of the lungs, heart or the abdomen. This type of cancer can be attributed to exposure to asbestos, a toxic mineral commonly used in insulation and ceiling tiles.

The researcher found 450 people who were diagnosed and underwent surgery followed by chemotherapy. Researchers contacted the patients and followed their progress. They conducted interviews with 401 survivors and found that some of them lived up to 53 months after their diagnosis.  The usual time a mesothelioma patient is given to live is eighteen months. Cancer free lymph nodes and epithelial subtype along with chemotherapy and surgery were found to give patients an increased survival time.

Treating any type of cancer is rather costly and physically debilitating for the patient and they made need assistance. A mesothelioma attorney can help victims of this fatal cancer obtain the money needed for treatment.

Asbestos continues to be used and actively exported in spite of the dangers it poses to human health. Companies have continued to negligently use asbestos with the knowledge of the detriment it has on health. The victims of asbestos-related cancers aided by mesothelioma lawyers can work together and hold these companies accountable for the dangers they expose workers to.