Hollywood, FL 5/4/2011 1:09:53 AM
News / People

Athletes Tweet About Osama Bin Laden's Death

Various Pro Athletes Comment on the Murder of Osama Bin Laden

Various professional athletes have commented on the death of Osama Bin Laden since the news was announced late on Sunday. Listed below are some of those tweets:
  • Chad Ochocinci (NFL wide receiver):
    "Waking up to the news on Osama's death.Justice has been served after yrs of searching.As we rejoice as a country something still worries me
    Now that Osama has been killed what about those willing to revenge his death?How do u fight or defend against those willing 2 die 4 a cause?
    A cause usually dies with its leader but terrorism didn't start with Osama and won't end with him,nonetheless it's a great day for us."
  • Warren Sapp (former NFL player):
    "Good Morning. Its an "11" Day!! Let's Get It!!! Victory Monday!!! Take That, Take That Bin Ladin!!"
  • Mike Tyson (boxing legend):
    "Obama got rid of Osama!!"
  • Lance Armstrong (cycling legend):
    "USA USA USA!!"
  • LeBron James (2-time NBA MVP):
    "Obama words are earth moving and inspiring."
  • Jimmie Johnson (5-time NASCAR champion):
    "Man, I went to bed early and missed the big news. What a way to wake up though. Thanks to all the men and women who serve our country."
  • Steve Nash (2-time NBA MVP):
    "Since we caught Osama do I still have to take my laptop out at security?"
  • Andy Roddick (American tennis star):
    "Words cannot do justice to the amount of thanks we should bestow upon those whose life mission it is to keep the world safe. Thank you"
  • Rudy Gay (NBA forward):
    "Ok so we killed Osama. Now all we have to do is find Waldo and Carmen San Diego! Then I will be impressed!!!!"
  • Reggie Bush (NFL running back):
    "It seems that people have mixed emotions about the Death of Bin Laden. I believe we must still maintain awareness of possible revenge"

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