Washington 5/4/2011 1:20:02 AM
News / Law

President meets with Hispanic lawmakers to debate immigration reform

By: Daun Lee

The recent US Census showed that the Hispanic population of the US has grown significantly mostly due to immigration. In response to the growing number of Hispanic people living and working in the US, Obama has re-ignited his fight for immigration reform by holding meetings with prominent Latinos which include celebrities and lawmakers.

President Obama would like to reform immigration laws in a way that will help improve the economy, and meet the needs of the large number of immigrants that come from Latin America. Advocates of reform would like to see a program that opens the pathway to citizenship for people who meet a certain criteria. The reforms to immigration must pass through the GOP dominated house before any significant changes can be made.

The Hispanic caucus believes there are some reforms Obama can pass without the approval of the house, such as deportation of US born children and children brought to the states by their parents. Illegal immigrants face deportation if they are discovered which affects their ability to become a US citizen at a later date unless they retain an immigration attorney.

Any immigrant who comes to the US can get the advice of an immigration lawyer to outline their path to citizenship. A presence in the US requires visas and other documentation, otherwise they face deportation. Being the US legally can seem difficult, but through the assistance of an immigration attorney, the hopeful citizen can maintain a legal right to reside and work in the US.