Victoria 5/4/2011 1:26:03 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Australian mesothelioma patient and wife take their own lives

By: Daun Lee

Mesothelioma sufferer Don Flounders and his wife Iris took their own lives last Thursday in Victoria, Australia. Family members found the couple Friday. The couple left a video message which outlined their reasons for the suicide pact. Mr. Flounders could no longer live with his mesothelioma, and Iris didn’t want live without her husband.

Don, 81 was a victim of mesothelioma, in the video he stated his existence was “dreadful” and his world had shrunk to his bedroom over the past three years. The couple was investigated by Australian federal police three years ago. The authorities were aware of the suicide pack and raided their home but found no suicide drugs. The couple had traveled to Mexico to obtain Nembutal but kept the drug hidden.

Mesothelioma is a very aggressive type of cancer, which causes tumors to grow on the lining of the lungs, but can also affect the lining of the heart and abdomen. The asbestos caused cancer is generally terminal within 18 months after detection.

Most people who contract mesothelioma have worked closely in industries which use asbestos, such as construction, oil refinery, and plumbing. Mesothelioma lawyers have advocated for victims of asbestos exposure, which has led to restrictions imposed on the use or the toxic mineral.

The people afflicted with mesothelioma require a great deal of healthcare, which comes at a high price. A mesothelioma attorney can gain compensation for the cancer victim to pay for their medical care. As decades pass, doctors believe that mesothelioma cases will grow because the disease can take 20 to 30 years to develop. These future cancer patients will need the aid a mesothelioma lawyer to assure they are cared for.