Cranston 5/4/2011 1:29:19 AM
News / Law

Rhode Island Personal Injury Lawyer Participates in Law Day

Rhode Island attorney Mike Bottaro of The Bottaro Law Firm, LLC celebrated "Law Day" in his community.  

Many do not realize that May 1 is "Law Day."  May 1st has historically been recognized as a day to remember the struggle of workers to achieve equality and better working conditions.  Over fifty years ago, President Eisenhower specifically designated May 1st of each year as a way to celebrate the rule of law.  While it is not a national holiday, as a practicing personal injury lawyer in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, Mr. Bottaro believes that Law Day is a way for lawyers to take time out of their day and volunteer in the community.

As an active member of the Rhode Island Bar Association and Board member of the Rhode Island Association for Justice, Mr. Bottaro volunteered to speak to a Law class for seniors at Cranston East High School.  This year, Hon. Lanphear and Mr. Bottaro spoke to the students about the dangers of sending sexually explicit text photos ("sexting") and, in a bigger picture, how the ever changing face of technology in our society is challenging lawmakers to consider new legislation.

The principles behind Law Day fit into Mr. Bottaro’s practice.  At The Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, the Rhode Island injury attorneys limit their practice solely to representing personal injury victims.  These are good people who have been injured through acts of medical malpractice, defective products, car accidents, and many other circumstances.  The firm is often opposed by powerful insurance companies with vast resources.  The personal injury firm’s philosophy is that by protecting injured people's fundamental rights, such as our Seventh Amendment right to trial by jury, they can work toward injury prevention and fair compensation to those who have been injured through acts of negligence. Law Day reminds all of us at The Bottaro Law Firm, LLC about the importance of reaching out to the community to help educate our citizens about the role of law in our society.  

Attorney Mike Bottaro is a member of the national attorney network on

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