Rajasthan 5/4/2011 2:11:17 AM
News / Law

Divorce blamed in case of matricide

By: Daun Lee

A 16 year American boy was convicted of murdering his mother on a trip to India last August. The boy, who cannot be named because he is a juvenile, slit his mother’s throat and hid her body outside the Osian resort in Rajasthan state. He was sentenced to three years in an Indian juvenile detention center. The boy was caught at the airport trying to leave India, the police never recovered the knife he used but did discover his bloody clothes. The teenager denies the charges but it is unclear if his lawyers will appeal.

The boy’s mother, Cindy Iannarelli was getting a divorce from his father. The Indian prosecutor believes it is the divorce that led the boy to murder his mother. The boy’s father had no comment to the media about his son’s conviction.

Divorce is traumatizing to the parties involved, especially any children who will be affected by dissolution. The emotions involved can be overwhelming to the children who get caught in the middle of an embittered divorce. The tragic death of Cindy Iannarelli might not have been prevented.

The couple seeking dissolution may require a divorce attorney to resolve their disputes but their children have different requirements like a qualified therapist to deal with their emotions. A divorce lawyer can solve the legal problems of their clients but aren’t able to resolve the emotional turmoil children are undergoing during the process.