Sydney 5/4/2011 2:19:45 AM
News / Entertainment

Pop prince Justin Beiber angers flight attendant

By: Daun Lee

Justin and his entourage were traveling from Sydney to Melbourne, when he was scolded by a flight attendant on Qantas airlines.

Justin, who was traveling business class, left his seat while the plane despite the “fasten seat-belt warning”; he wanted to go talk to his crew who were seated in coach. Beiber and the flight attendant briefly exchanged words before Justin conceded and returned to his seat. According to Sky News of Australia, the flight attendant was quoted telling Justin that “his behavior was a security risk and he had been acting like a child and therefore would be treated like one.” Later, Justin apologized to the flight attendant.

Seat belt regulations exist in planes and automobiles to preserve the safety of the passengers. On board a plane during takeoff a person can be injured by the motion of the plane and the airline is liable for their harm.

In the passenger car a seat belt can be a life saver. Accidents are likely to happen anywhere, so any precaution a business or an individual can take to protect them or another from harm is important. Individuals who are injured in an accident because of someone’s negligence deserve some compensation, and can hire an accident attorney for this purpose.

Medical costs and the expense of replacing damaged property can create a dire financial situation for the accident victim. The expertise of an accident lawyer can be utilized to make negligent parties take fiscal responsibility for their carelessness.