Denver, CO 1/13/2009 7:45:35 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Reports Traumatic Brain Injury Study Concluding Spirituality Increases Following Brain Damage

LegalView, the most comprehensive legal resource available on the Internet, recently informed traumatic brain injury information blog readers of a study that found individuals who suffer from brain damage are more likely to have increased feelings of spirituality due to damage or injury of the right parietal lobe, which is the cerebral area within the brain that determines an individuals place in time and space, both emotionally and physically. 

The research took place at the University of Missouri-Columbia and followed 26 individuals who were considered to have modest TBI, but were able to function within society as "walking wounded," according to the blog. The study found that those who suffered from right parietal lobe damage experienced more feelings of being lost or spaced out, which was the equivalent of measuring higher on the standard measure of spirituality test, according to blog reports on the research. This is also known as contralateral neglect, according to research from Rutgers University, also known as The State University of New Jersey. Contralateral Neglect Syndrome can cause
brain injury victims to obtain "information from the contralateral side, but patients may not have a conscious awareness" of this side thus leading to feelings of dislocation from the world.

Individuals who have suffered from a traumatic brain injury are encouraged to locate an experienced neurologists who can adequately assess and diagnosis a brain injury condition. It may also be necessary to contact a personal injury law firm that can connect a brain injury victim with a specialized
brain injury lawyer. By connecting with a brain injury attorney, a victim will likely receive a free legal consultation as to the development of litigation involving their case. A brain injury lawsuit may result in monetary compensation for a victim and can assist in paying for costly procedures and treatment options.

To learn more about TBI, visit, additionally, LegalView has made available a library of legal resources to facilitate research and help victims obtain information regarding pending legal dilemmas. For example, LegalView offers the latest information on crib recalls as well as rare and debilitating conditions such as mesothelioma and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF).

Recently, a Chicago Tribune investigation revealed a long history of alleged dangers surrounding the production of Delta Enterprise cribs, which prompted a recall in the fall. The company apparently finally recalled the faulty cribs following the deaths of several babies alleged caused by asphyxiation from the cribs. Individuals who have suffered from the
Delta crib failure are encouraged to contact the company as well as an knowledgeable wrongful death attorney.

Both mesothelioma cancer and NSF are rare, yet devastating conditions in which a victim can suffer immensely. Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers and dust, which develops cancerous cells on the lining of the lungs and organs. The condition remains dormant for several years until symptoms are revealed and treatment is not usually a successful option.

Similarly is a condition known as NSF, which has no known cause or successful treatment, although medical experts have linked NSF to the administration of gadolinium dyes during magnetic resonance image/magnetic resonance angiogram (MRI/MRA) tests among kidney disease patients. The condition can cause the skin to harden and joints to swell, eventually leading to the inability of a victim to move or bend joints without assistance. Individuals who have suffered from either condition should find help through contacting a
mesothelioma law firm or NSF attorney, which can better equip a victim of these terrifying conditions with support and aid.

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