Atlanta, Ga. 1/13/2009 8:19:35 AM
News / Law

Roland Burris Gets Backing of Senate Democrats

Senate Democrats have abandoned their attempt to block Roland Burris from filling the vacated seat left behind by President-elect Barack Obama, ending a saga that originated with the arrest of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich last month.


Burris had been appointed by Blagojevich but he was turned away from the swearing in ceremony last month when he was told he didn’t have the correct credentials. He was told he needed a signature from Illinois’ secretary of state but that was later determined to not be false and Senate majority leader Harry Reid relented.


On Monday Reid stated, “We have spoken to Mr. Burris to let him know that he is now the Senator-designate from Illinois and as such, will be accorded all the rights and privileges of a Senator-elect.”


Burris said he was “humbled and honored” to be the next junior senator from Illinois.


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