One of the most significant factors separating our Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center from the conventional treatment and recovery centers is the appearance of our facility. When an individual enters one of these conventional rehab centers they walk into a building that looks like the typical clinic or hospital. Conversely, our facility welcomes the client into a homelike setting that is very residential in appearance and considerably more serene.
Not only does this provide the client a more comfortable experience when first entering our facility, it is less intimidating as well. This is the primary reason that our alcohol and drug rehab programs enjoy an average 70% success rate in the US. Research conducted in the past regarding Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers has revealed that addiction stems from the onset of depression, which is twice as common among women as it is with men. Our licensed staff members who conduct and supervise our rehab programs are well-skilled at uncovering the warning signs suggest that depression exhibits.
Our staff members are also skilled and trained in numerous Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center modalities and therapies. Some of them have come to us from Christian or Faith-Based facilities whereas others were employed at rehab facilities that rely solely on the more conventional programs and a few limited psychiatric approaches. Additionally, some of our staff members have confronted their own addictions as well and have undergone treatment and recovery as well. The client benefits by being allowed to relate to other individuals who have suffered with alcohol and drug addiction as well.
Additionally, our Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center focuses on the emotional, mental, and physical aspects of the client’s addiction and addresses them. The more conventional rehab centers typically focus on only the physical aspects and a few of the psychological ones. By affording our clients 8 recovery tools (educational classes), we enable them to heal and then make the conscious decision to return to society as contributing healthier individuals.
These 8 classes in our Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center are:
Detoxification for a New Life – addresses the emotional and mental aspects of the addiction as well as the physical ones.
Therapeutic Training Methods – focuses on addictive substances that the client has been using so they can avoid disconcerting feelings or situations.
Life’s Changing Conditions – teaches a client how to cope with changing conditions in life such as circumstances, events, and people who try to affect the outcome of one’s thinking.
Personal Integrity and Values – instructs the client how to be accountable and responsible for their actions.
Improving One’s Learning Capabilities – enables the client to re-learn critical information that leads to successful treatment and recovery.
Life’s Ups and Downs – instructs clients in the ways to cope with the life’s ups and downs.
Finding the Way to Happiness – discusses the wrong “life codes” that we adopt rather than the correct ones.
Better Communication and Perception Techniques – provides the client with a way to deal with the present instead of their past.
If you are in need of a Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center then please fill out the for or call one of our professional counselors taoday.