New York City 5/5/2011 10:02:03 PM
News / Internet

‘Like’ button on Facebook is valuable to internet marketing

By: Daun Lee

People have the tendency to ask their trusted friends for advice whether it is about personal decisions, like should I date this person, or go visit this city on my vacation. We also want the opinions of the people we trust in what things we should purchase.

Word-of-mouth can make or break a business. If just one person praises or has complaints about a product or a service they have received and then share it with their friends, and then they share it with their friends, numerous people are reached simply through words.

On Facebook, that word-of-mouth marketing comes in the form of the ‘Like’ button. About a year ago Facebook distributed the ‘Like” button to millions of websites. The ‘Like’ button generates visitors for over 10,000 websites a day. A report by City Grid Media and Harris Interactive showed that Facebook is trumping reviews as the primary way people express support for businesses.

Skeptics believe that Facebook won’t become as crucial to e-commerce as searches are, but it does make people more aware of products and services.

Searches are very important to a business so using SEO optimization also becomes a useful tool in generating business. By utilizing SEO optimization, a business can increase their internet traffic by appearing higher in search results, which can take months to achieve. An integrated marketing strategy that combines social media, search engines and SEO optimization is a wise tactic for a business who wants to grow.