Denver 5/5/2011 10:27:23 PM
News / Law

Chipotle Mexican Grill under scrutiny for hiring practices

The Denver based restaurant chain has been under the watchful eye of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Franchises of the Tex-mex chain were raided on Tuesday after an investigation was launched by the ICE over their hiring practices.

ICE agents went into locations in twenty states to confirm the immigration status of employees. Restaurants in Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Washington were included in the investigation. In April, the chain endured criticism because it was discovered they knowingly hired people, who were illegally in the country.

In 2010, the Chipotle fired 450 employees who could not prove their eligibility to work in the US. The food chain has 26,500 employees nationwide. The company was aware of the upcoming raids and sent out a memo telling their employees to cooperate with ICE authorities.

In the US, a person is allowed to hold a job as long as they have a work visa or are citizens. A work visa, which can be obtained with the help of an immigration lawyer, gives an immigrant the right to live and work in the US. Having a visa means, if the immigrant chooses to, they can apply for citizenship.

Becoming a legal resident is advisable to anyone who wishes to reside and work in America for an extended period of time. Seeking the representation of an immigration attorney can make citizenship less difficult for the immigrant. Illegal immigrants are subjected to deportation without having the correct documentation, of which an immigration lawyer can help them obtain.