Chicago 5/6/2011 2:45:08 AM
News / Law

Chicago Personal Injury Law Firm Featured in Chicago Lawyer Magazine

Chicago personal Injury law firm, Willens Law Offices, was featured in Chicago Lawyer Magazine in an article titled "Big Settlements from Small Law Firms.” The article discussed a catastrophic injury case handled by the firm in which a 23-year-old recent college graduate stopped by a friend's apartment in Chicago, Illinois for a social gathering. He went out on the second-floor balcony and fell nearly 15 feet to the ground when a railing that he was leaning on gave way.  Willens Law Offices' client suffered a traumatic brain injury and spent more than a month in the hospital, undergoing a craniotomy to repair bleeding on his brain and other surgeries to treat infection and reconstruct his skull.

When asked about his decision to become a personal injury lawyer, the firm's founder, Matthew L. Willens said, "I've always wanted to be a personal injury lawyer.  I enjoy fighting for individuals rather than big corporations or insurance companies. I represent people who have been victimized. It’s about helping those who can’t go it alone."

 Willens started by personally interviewing eyewitnesses, including his client's friends who rented the apartment. He learned that before they signed their lease, they expressed concern over the safety of the balcony to the building owners.  He filed suit against the owners, who eventually disclosed a multi-million dollar insurance policy. Once he received that information, he made a time-limited, policy limit demand.

 "We told them, 'If you tender the entire policy limits within 30 days, we will settle,' " he said. ‘If not, we will take this matter to trial.'

"If the insurance company refused to settle within the policy limits, there would be opportunity for action against the insurance company. But the insurance company did the right thing in this particular case and tendered the policy."

Willens proved himself and the significance of the case by bringing it to conclusion within a year of the accident, he said. Willens estimated that on average, more than 95 percent of personal injury cases settle before trial.

"Most of the time, a settlement can be reached," he said. "But in those times where a settlement cannot be reached, we step up to the plate."

He has obtained large awards for several other clients, including a $16 million verdict for a girl who was severely injured when she was hit by an automobile, a $4 million settlement for a young man whose doctor failed to properly diagnose his lung cancer.
Attorney Matthew Willens is a member of the national attorney network on For more information, please visit 

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