New York 5/6/2011 3:25:54 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Mesothelioma Lawsuit May Be an Option for Asbestos Cancer Patients

Patients who have been diagnosed with asbestos cancer, as well as those acting on their behalf, may be able to participate in a mesothelioma lawsuit. Through a mesothelioma lawsuit, the patient can seek compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering and other damages incurred as a result of their disease. In instances where the patient has passed away due to the asbestos cancer, a family member or executor of the estate can file a claim for financial compensation on behalf of the deceased. Although a mesothelioma lawsuit cannot erase a diagnosis or bring a loved one back, it can hold the asbestos manufacturer or company accountable for their actions and ensure the family receives the financial support needed to deal with their loved one’s diagnosis. To find out if you can participate in a mesothelioma lawsuit, fill out the no cost, no obligation case review form at 

Typically, mesothelioma lawsuits are filed against asbestos manufacturers, as well as the companies who may have exposed their workers to asbestos without proper protection or warnings. Mesothelioma lawsuits aim to hold these entities accountable for their actions, as many companies knew about the dangers of asbestos, but continued to use the mineral, exposing many employees to it on a daily basis. Because mesothelioma has a long latency period, many mesothelioma lawsuits are filed decades after the individual’s initial exposure to the mineral.

Even if you are unsure as to where you or a loved one was exposed to asbestos, it is important to keep in mind that asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma patients may have come into contact with the mineral through second-hand exposure from asbestos fibers which attached to the clothing, hair or skin of an employee working with the mineral. A skilled mesothelioma attorney will be able to launch an investigation into the patient’s history to determine the source of their exposure. 

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s important to seek legal assistance in a timely manner. There is a time limit for fling all mesothelioma lawsuits and failure to take legal action within this allotted period can bar the patient from ever seeking compensation, regardless of the severity of their illness. To learn more about mesothelioma lawsuits and to find out if you can file a claim, visit IQ today.
About IQ Mesothelioma

IQ Mesothelioma is a comprehensive source of support and information for mesothelioma patients and their family members, caretakers, and friends. Visit for free access to national databases of mesothelioma specialists, cancer treatment centers, and mesothelioma clinical trials. Information and articles about support groups, asbestos exposure locations, and mesothelioma treatments are also available for site visitors.