Biloxi 5/9/2011 10:01:23 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Mississippi man wins $322 million asbestos lawsuit

By: Daun Lee

A Mississippi jury awarded a man exposed to asbestos $322 million in lawsuit. Thomas C Brown was exposed to asbestos by mixing drilling mud manufactured by Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. and Union Carbide Corp.

After two weeks of testimony, the jury awarded Mr. Brown the large settlement because they believed the companies negligently designed their product, and failed to warn workers of the dangers associated with its use. According to the attorney Allen Hossley, who represented Brown, this is the largest settlement ever awarded in a single asbestos case won by a mesothelioma attorney.

Brown, 48, worked in oil fields from 1979 until the mid-80’s and suffers from a shortness of breath, which requires his to use an oxygen mask 24 hours a day. Though he is not diagnosed with mesothelioma he suffers from asbestos exposure and has difficulties breathing.

Numerous people who worked with asbestos face the possibility of contracting mesothelioma, which is a severe type of lung cancer that is eventually fatal. In cases of mesothelioma, the patient develops tumors on the lining of the lungs and sometimes the abdomen or heart.

Mesothelioma patients have extreme medical costs associated with their disease, but by meeting with a mesothelioma attorney can seek compensation to cover the associated costs. Asbestos has been heavily regulated by the EPA, but is still in use and those exposed may need to retain a mesothelioma lawyer in the future should they develop a disease related to the toxic mineral