Los Angeles 5/10/2011 1:06:09 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Car insurance quotes give parents of teens sticker shock

By: Daun Lee

The scariest thing for the parent with a teenager is the prospect of them driving. Parents are generally shocked at how much their car insurance premiums skyrocket when they add their teens to their policies, especially if they are males aged 16 to 19.

Tully Lehman, spokesperson of the Insurance Information network of California states that “Teens are statistically the most dangerous drivers on the road compared to other ages.”  Adding a teenager to a car insurance policy generally doubles the premium. Parents are encouraged to do some price comparisons before settling on insurance.

The accident rates for 16 to 19 year olds are higher than any other drivers on the road for a number of reasons including lack of experience, not wearing a safety belt and the fact they are more likely to engage in risky behaviors.

On the road, identifying hazards and the ability to react in a timely fashion can prevent traffic collision which involves injury to a person or property. A teenager’s lack of experience leaves them unable to make judgments that prevent accidents.

People who are injured in an automobile collision often face financial losses attributed to medical bills and missed time from work. For the injured, retaining an accident attorney is the best way to assure they will recoup the losses attribute to another’s negligence.

The experience of an accident lawyer can effectively prove negligence and get the injured the maximum damages allowed for their pain. No matter whether the careless driver is a teenager or an adult, an accident attorney can work to gain justice for the accident victim.