Ann Arbor 5/10/2011 1:14:39 AM
News / Law

Michigan football player gets suspended

By: Daun Lee

Darryl Stronum, Michigan wide receiver has been suspended indefinitely, for receiving his second DUI.

Stronum was arrested early Friday morning for driving under the influence. University of Michigan police arrested Stronum around 2am.

This is Stonum’s second drunken driving charge, he was charged in 2008 and suspended from the team briefly. He was on probation and spent 3 days in jail last summer for violating the terms of his probation.

This is his second suspension from the team, the first didn’t cause Stronum to miss any games but this time there are no details on whether the Wolverine’s player will miss any games.

The suspension is bad but the penalties for a second DUI charge are much harsher and if he had trouble meeting the obligations for his first charge then his second may warrant tougher penalties.

In many states, a second DUI charge means more time in jail and having an ignition interlock device installed in the car. An ignition interlock device takes reading of a person’s blood alcohol content before their vehicles will start.

All the penalties associated with a DUI, whether it is a first or second offense can be inconvenient and costly. Hiring a competent DUI attorney may be able to minimize the sentences handed by the presiding judge. A first time DUI offender may find some leniency but a second charge indicates a person with a problem. A DUI lawyer can apply their knowledge to help the individual possible reduce their fines and penalties.