Chicago 5/10/2011 3:57:39 AM
News / Law

Chaz Bono speaks about sexual reassignment

By: Daun Lee

Chaz Bono is, or was the daughter of the legendary duo Sonny and Cher. The 42 year old went through sexual reassignment surgery and is speaking to the media about his transformation.

He appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show to talk about his sex-change. Chaz told Oprah, “When I was child it was clear to me that I felt like a boy. In puberty I felt like my body was betraying me.”

The Oprah Winfrey Network will air a documentary, Becoming Chaz, on Tuesday. Chaz knew the media would cover his story about becoming transgendered, so he decide to allow filmmakers chronicle his transformation from a woman to a man which entailed breast removal and a course of testosterone treatment. Chaz still remains fmale below the waist because the genital surgeries are expensive.

There are many social prejudices that transgendered people face mostly based on simple misunderstanding by people. They also face sexual harassment, which is a growing problem both in the workplace and schools. They face derogatory slurs like being called a ‘faggot’ or ‘dyke’ and discussions about their sexuality.

Sexual harassment of any kind is prohibited in the workplace, whether a person is transgendered or not. For these people a sexual harassment attorney can represent them to make the harassment stop. Most businesses have strict policies in place which prohibit sexual harassment, but the issues faced by transgendered people are coming to light with the diligence applied by sexual harassment lawyers. Laws against harassment are meant to protect any person against this sexual bullying and sexual harassment attorneys dutifully defend people subjected to this hostility.